Vertigo Treatment

Vertigo Image

Vertigo Treatment - Denver, Nashua, Parkersburg, Sumner, and Waverly Clinics 

Vertigo, by definition, is the sensation of motion or spinning. Therapy can treat a number of conditions that cause vertigo. If you experience spells of dizziness or regularly deal with the feeling of the room spinning brought about by changing position, you may have a form of vertigo called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).

This disorder often comes on out of nowhere and can cause mobility issues, nausea and vomiting. It can be diagnosed conclusively and treated relatively quickly, often in just one to four sessions. 

Other conditions may cause a feeling of lightheadedness, motion intolerance or difficulty maintaining posture or listing to one side. Our highly-trained staff will evaluate the function of your vestibular, oculomotor and musculoskeletal systems to get to the source of your complaint and guide you to the most effective treatment.

If you have recently fallen and struck your head, it may be appropriate to complete a comprehensive vestibular evaluation to avoid another accident.

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